
les ensembles.

If money grew on trees, lagarconne is probably where I would spend it.


girl crush.

After writing two midterms yesterday, I have come to the conclusion that this term I have experienced the polar opposites in my profs. One, is amazing, funny, genuinely nice, supplies you with old exams for practice, and tests you on only what you have learned in his course, no tricks.  The other is horribly disorganized, boring, teaching highly detailed material with little enthusiasm, and apparently has a chip on his shoulder, considering how his human physiology midterm left many people upset to the extent of crying. I have no problem thinking outside the box, or having to apply my knowledge to answer a multiple choice question, but don't test me on something you haven't taught in class KAPEESH? Gawwwd. I am going to write this guy the worst review after this course is over, I'm going to make him cry. 

time for fur.

The swedes have got it figured out. It's almost time for a huge (faux) fur jacket.  I found mine on ebay. Who knew it would still be +14 degrees in winnipeg by November 4th. What gives?