This last week in Montreal has been really fun. I am finally getting into the swing of things here, even if I am sleep deprived. Sleeping on a dorm room bed that is actually covered in plastic (why, why you may ask? perhaps persistent bed wetting is a problem for university goers?) and is too small, except for the short french men, is not very much fun, but its getting tolerable.. especially when alcohol has been consumed prior to bedtime.

my food AND clothes pantry. calm down calm down, i know it's awesome...
On monday, I met up with a buddy from Rimouski, QC, and it was great to catch up. Raphael's in the know of the Montreal ice cream scene, and we went to Point-G on Mont Royal for gelati on waffles with nutella. Blew my mind. Kudos to Raph. We then went to the Juste Pour Rire festival on St. Denis and watched a comedian on the street.. too bad he spoke at light speed. I did have a translator present however, thanks Raph! (check out his work

Lazy week day evenings consist of us getting up from a post-class nap, and then taking the metro to either get groceries, or to peruse the streets. We found an outdoor screening of my favourite movie Amelie in the gay village! Kim and I sat with our brownbagged beers like a lesbian couple and watched it.

Friday night was really random and fun. Ended up at a gay bar called Sky on St. Catherine. Saw a lot more people from the explore program there than I thought I would. Ha. Good fun. Round that up with some 99 cent pizza, and call it a night!
Kim and Sydney.
Nicole! and someone else!